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Learning is one of the most important mental functions of humans, animals and artificial cognitive systems. The way in which we learn is called the learning style. This learning style has nothing to do with either intelligence or skills.

You may have probably noticed that when you try to learn something new, you might prefer to learn by listening to someone talk to you about the information. Some prefer to read about a concept to learn it; others need to see a demonstration of the concept. The learning style assessment is a composite, evaluation that focuses on how an individual processes and organises information. Learning styles assessment has immense value for teachers, students, professionals and individuals from any walk of life.


Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

We all have a set preference to educate ourselves by acquiring knowledge in a particular fashion. This can vary from person to person. VAK analyses your learning preference on 3 dimensions uncovering your secret code to learn and retain new learning easier and faster.

Benefits for Corporate

  • Since everyone learns differently, understanding learning styles can help you mentor and coach better.
  • Getting an insight into the learning style of the employees to facilitate faster and efficient learning.

Benefits for Individuals

  • This assessment would help you get a glimpse of, what is your most effective way to acquire and retain information.
  • Teachers can use this on their students to identify their learning style, and flex accordingly to make learning an enjoyable and fruitful event.
  • Students can take on efficient ways of studying to maximise academic performance.


Participating Reflecting Experimenting Structuring

Learning Style Theory proposes that different people learn in different ways and that it is good to know what your own preferred learning style is.

This assessment measures individual’s on 4 unique learning modes to arrive at desired results. It uncovers learning preferences people have in terms of their approach to a learning event.

Benefits for Corporate

  • To identify your employees' strengths and weaknesses in the ways in which they learn.
  • Capitalise on their learning strengths and help them improve in their areas of weakness.
  • This assessment is an essential resource for trainers and managers involved in adult learning.

Benefits for Individuals

  • An understanding of the different learning styles will help you select the approach for specific learning situations that will yield the best results.
  • You can apply the style in a much better way to grasp and retain information better, when you know about your learning style.


Concrete, Abstract, Random and Sequential

CARS assessment tool provides amazing insight into how individual’s gather and assimilate information. It is of immense value to individuals, as the awareness can be utilised towards building on the natural learning preference.

  • Helps appreciate the learning methodologies which others around us adopt, thereby furnishing cues to most effectively deliver information in a way others comprehend easily.
  • This knowledge of natural learning preferences can help in projecting future strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies an individual may acquire due to the preferred learning style.
  • This valuable input can be used to extrapolate careers suitable for the individual.
  • The knowledge of learning styles adopted by subordinates is vital for mangers to effectively communicate and delegate responsibilities.